The other day, I found myself cleaning up backup files of one of the server Iam handling, which was turnover to me about 3 months ago. the server is cluttered with lots of 500MB file which is folder by month and filed by date. this files is a sql dump from postgres DB. I need to compress them for archives. such each folder ex. January contains 60 files per day AM and PM. as
- January
- 2010-01-01AM.sql
- 2010-01-01PM.sql
- 2010-01-02AM.sql
- 2010-01-02PM.sql
- ...
Compress Files by Batch in the Folder
$> for f in *; do zip "$f".zip "$f"; done
a little explanation
1. for f in *; do
2. zip "$f".zip "$f";
3. done
- 1st part will say to do a loop for each f in * - signify the list of files when you do an ls on a directory. hence giving you a list of of your files, each file name will be put in a variable "f" so looping for eah file name do #2
- 2nd part will do a command gzip "$f".zip "$f" which is equivalent to "gzip filename.ext"
- last part signify the end of the loop.
Thanks for reading.
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